Monday, August 20, 2007

Buying and Selling Bell Helicopters

Buying and Selling Bell Helicopters by Wain Roy

Anyone who is even remotely associated with the aircraft industry is likely to have heard about the Bell helicopters. This is one name which has thoroughly enjoyed its share of popularity for a time longer than any other of its like. Bell Helicopter Textron, as the full name goes, is one of the biggest helicopter and tilt-rotor manufacturers in the world. This Bell division of Textron, Inc. produces copters both for civil and defense purposes. And since 1946-47, Bell has produced over 30,000 helicopters.
It all started when Arthur Young, a gifted helicopter inventor, caught Larry Bell’s attention. Now Larry Bell was a reputed entrepreneur, who founded the Bell Aircraft Corporation. When Bell saw Young’s talents, he soon teamed up with him in 1941 and thereafter Bell never looked back. What was already gaining popularity as an estimable aircraft manufacturer started getting attention as a good helicopter maker as well. By 1951, Bell was flying high on the wings of success, creating history worldwide. Once Bell Aircraft Corporation earned a fair name as a trusted helicopter builder, it set up its helicopter division headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas.
So a name as reliable as its products surely has a high value when it comes to buying and selling helicopters. For one thing, the helicopter business has its own challenges. A lot of market research and evaluation go into fixing the best deal. If you are to buy or sell a helicopter, you may find yourself groping where to start. To make the task easy, there are many marketing agents who are ready to serve all your helicopter needs. Some of them particularly specialize in the purchase and sale of Bell helicopters. They do all the necessary market study, assess the selling condition of your helicopter, suggest a price for it and then distribute the information across the globe with their networking. Getting the right buyer is only a matter of some time then!
In case you wish to buy a helicopter or switch to a new Bell model, these agencies would provide you with the relevant details and specifications. If there is a Bell helicopter for sale somewhere in the world, chances are that the entire product information regarding that would rest with the agent. You would know if it has any damage history, how many hours it has flown, availability time et al. Not just that, they also showcase pictures of those from all angles to make your decision-making easier. You just need to choose the one you think best fits your requirement and the job’s done.
Bell keeps coming up with newer models. And people often sell older models to check out the latest. Therefore, the number of used helicopters under the Bell name is also higher. That may be one reason why the purchase and sell of Bell helicopters, in particular, never ceases.

Wain Roy is an internet marketing professional expert in various industries like real estate, finance, medical tourism and used helicopters
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