Sunday, August 26, 2007

RC Helicopter vs RC Planes

RC Helicopter vs RC Planes by Greg Haehl

Since RC Helicopter flying takes every kids and kids at heart to the closest experience of flying a real helicopter it is undoubtedly thrilling and exciting experience. In terms if RC Helicopter sizes - here you can trim down your choices into gas electric mini micro and toy.But in the case you want to upgrade to ultralight you can easily get familiar with flying since you have already been with an engined-helicopter.
If you prefer building model helicopter for your personal gallery. Just follow the entire manual to the 't' Do not get all excited when the heli is all put together you still have many hours of configuring / balancing / and adjusting everything. Homebuilt RC Helicopters are motorized (although wit less power) and can lift you off from the ground with the same experience you can get from a conventional full-size helicopter.
What kind of engines do RC Helicopters run on? Special remote control RC Helicopter engines. They come in 2-stroke and 4-stroke glow burning engines as well as 2 stroke gasoline models. If you descend to quickly you will enter your own down wash and the RC Helicopter will pull itself into the ground and need considerable collective to compensate. This is a bad condition. Model enthusiasts are notably quick to emulate full-size aviation achievements, but were not as successful with rotary wing aircraft, and it was not until 1968 that the first fully controllable R/C model helicopter appeared, built by Dr. Dieter Schluter of West Germany.
Full RC Helicopter guide at Spare parts; The basic formula is the cheaper the helicopter the cheaper the spares and the lighter the helicopter the less crash damage you will incur.
Besides. When you get good at flying your RC reverse the direction of the rudder. When you are good at this land while slowly pirouetting. Ok.

Everything You Need To Know About RC Helicopter and more!
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Monday, August 20, 2007

Buying and Selling Bell Helicopters

Buying and Selling Bell Helicopters by Wain Roy

Anyone who is even remotely associated with the aircraft industry is likely to have heard about the Bell helicopters. This is one name which has thoroughly enjoyed its share of popularity for a time longer than any other of its like. Bell Helicopter Textron, as the full name goes, is one of the biggest helicopter and tilt-rotor manufacturers in the world. This Bell division of Textron, Inc. produces copters both for civil and defense purposes. And since 1946-47, Bell has produced over 30,000 helicopters.
It all started when Arthur Young, a gifted helicopter inventor, caught Larry Bell’s attention. Now Larry Bell was a reputed entrepreneur, who founded the Bell Aircraft Corporation. When Bell saw Young’s talents, he soon teamed up with him in 1941 and thereafter Bell never looked back. What was already gaining popularity as an estimable aircraft manufacturer started getting attention as a good helicopter maker as well. By 1951, Bell was flying high on the wings of success, creating history worldwide. Once Bell Aircraft Corporation earned a fair name as a trusted helicopter builder, it set up its helicopter division headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas.
So a name as reliable as its products surely has a high value when it comes to buying and selling helicopters. For one thing, the helicopter business has its own challenges. A lot of market research and evaluation go into fixing the best deal. If you are to buy or sell a helicopter, you may find yourself groping where to start. To make the task easy, there are many marketing agents who are ready to serve all your helicopter needs. Some of them particularly specialize in the purchase and sale of Bell helicopters. They do all the necessary market study, assess the selling condition of your helicopter, suggest a price for it and then distribute the information across the globe with their networking. Getting the right buyer is only a matter of some time then!
In case you wish to buy a helicopter or switch to a new Bell model, these agencies would provide you with the relevant details and specifications. If there is a Bell helicopter for sale somewhere in the world, chances are that the entire product information regarding that would rest with the agent. You would know if it has any damage history, how many hours it has flown, availability time et al. Not just that, they also showcase pictures of those from all angles to make your decision-making easier. You just need to choose the one you think best fits your requirement and the job’s done.
Bell keeps coming up with newer models. And people often sell older models to check out the latest. Therefore, the number of used helicopters under the Bell name is also higher. That may be one reason why the purchase and sell of Bell helicopters, in particular, never ceases.

Wain Roy is an internet marketing professional expert in various industries like real estate, finance, medical tourism and used helicopters
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Sunday, August 19, 2007

N1170B New Bird

On the showroom floor at factory in Bend, OR .

F4 Phantom Vs. Wall

Test video where an F4 Phantom is crashed into a wall at 500 MPH....F4 Phantom F/4 crash

Pilots Age 60 Where Is It Now

Pilots Age 60 Where Is It Now by Steven Rowland

Probably one of the most contentious issues of recent times in the aviation community is the proposed changes to the age 60 rule. As most of the readers will be aware, age 60 is a mandatory retirement age for pilots involved in the part 121 airline environment. Representations and pressure groups from both ends of the age spectrum have recently been engaged in open warfare to influence the change in legislation to their specific sides benefit.
In early 2005, the republican senator for Nevada introduced a bill, HR 65, which dealt with altering the retirement age for airline pilots from 60 to 65, so as to be inline with ICAO rules. The resolution was then referred to the House Committee on Transportation and infrastructure which was chaired by Rep. Don Young. Subsequently HR 65 was then referred to the Sub Committee on Aviation which falls under the jurisdiction of the Transportation committee. There was indeed no hearings ever conducted on HR 65 nor were any recommendations tendered to the House Committee on Transportation. Thats basically where the resolution remained all through 2006 until the 109th Congress adjourned in December.
Further to the above, a bill entitled S 65 was sponsored in the Senate which was then referred to the relevant committee for consideration. On the 19th July 2005, the committee met and convened a hearing to consider the issue. Representations from many pressure groups such as, FAA, Aerospace Medical Association, Airline Pilots Association, SWAPA, Allied Pilots Association, and Jetblue Airways Corporation were heard and evaluated by the committee members. On the 17th of November the committee ruled and acquiesced to support the change to mirror the ICAO regulations. Following the above procedure, the bill was released from committee and placed upon the Senate Legislative Calendar.
This is the point that many bills perish before even making it to the floor as the responsibility lays with the Senate Majority leader to determine which bills are addressed by the that session of the Senate. The Senate Majority Leader, Senator Frist never determined a date for the hearing of the bill and that is where the bill remained until perishing with the adjournment of the 109th Congress.
Whilst, both bills died a standalone death, they received a much needed boost by their incorporation as amendments into the Transportations Appropriations Bill, HR 5576. Generally, these money bills are voted and passed in the house before moving into the second phase of review in the Senate. While in review in Senate Sub Committee the S 65 changes where added to the appropriations bill.
However, due to the election the money bill was never voted upon and therefore ceased when the 109th congress adjourned in December 2006. Rather than pass these appropriations bills congress choose to pass a continuing resolution which allowed the federal government to fund their agencies until Feb 15th, 2007.
So as it stands, the amendments remain within the appropriations bill and must be addressed by the 110th Congress whether individually or rolled up into a single bill called an omnibus bill. As the balance of power in Congress has changed its unlikely that the Democrat led Senate would choose to keep any controversial amendments in the appropriations bill lest it cause the delay of federal funding for their agencies. Having said that, there is tremendous pressure from both sides of the age divide to influence the proceedings.
It’s difficult to argue with the plight of the lower end of the seniority list, having been restricted from the usual career progression by a number of factors including 911 and the vicious airline bankruptcies. Any change to the age 60 rule would surely delay their captain upgrades by at least 5 years and cost untold thousands in lost career earnings. The alternative side of the argument is that age 60 is discriminatory and that pilots may very well be medically capable of pursuing the left seat until age 65.
Irrespective of your viewpoint, it is imperative that ALPA brings all pilots, regardless of seniority, together on this issue. As surely a hotbed issue such as this will only be detrimental to any alliance that currently exists between the different pilot groups and airline management most definitely does not require another issue to play wedge politics with.

Steve Rowland is the administrator and web master of Student Loan Consolidation Center and aims to make it significantly easier for intending students to access higher education.
Steven is also the editor and webmaster of Free Articles a site specialising in providing guides and free articles.
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Friday, August 17, 2007

Fighter Planes

Flighter planes maneuvering aroud the mountains...planes plane mountains fighter jet fighterjet

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Sukhoi Su-37 'Terminator' Jet Fighter Aircraft (Russia)

The Su-37 is a single-seat, all-weather, fighter and ground attack prototype aircraft, derived from the Su-27 'Flanker'. The Su-27 is a successful Soviet fourth generation jet aircraft that has been exported to over 20 nations. The Su-37 test aircraft made its maiden flight in April 1996 from the Zhukovsky flight testing center near Moscow.

Travel With A Private Jet Charter For Business Or Personal Purposes

Travel With A Private Jet Charter For Business Or Personal Purposes by Max Stephen

In today’s demanding business and corporate world, air travel is becoming increasingly expensive and annoying. Travelers are keen on finding solutions to meet their travel needs, and are mostly eager for alternative to commercial airline travel. In the world of private jet charters, the solution has been found.
Do you want to be in charge of your own trip? Then taking things in to your own hands via chartering a private jet means you get to determine the exact nature of your travel, while cruising along in the ultimate of comfort and luxury. Once you realize how stressful the travel experience can be, chartering a jet becomes an attractive option. The less hassle, the better and at the end of the day, you deserve the best. Right?
But why not just travel in first class on a commercial flight? Isn’t it the same experience? Wrong. Chartering a jet reduces the travel time by nearly half. When flying on a private jet charter, you don’t have to wait in long lines when checking in. Private ground transportation can be arranged to take you directly to the plane and pick you up when you arrive. That way, you save money on airport parking costs. What’s more, private jet charters often fly to airports that commercial airlines simply don’t go to. Which means you can get a lot closer to your final destination than you would on a commercial flight.
Travelers also prefer charter travel because of the high degree of comfort this kind of trip offers. Spacious comfortable seats that you just don’t find in normal aircrafts, gourmet meals, bars, and in flight movies are just some of the perks you can expect to find on your next executive jet charter flight. It sure beats those cramped commercial airline flights where you can barely move your legs.
What’s more, private chartering can be a cost effective way of traveling, particularly if you are traveling in a group. Up to eighteen passengers can be accommodated on most private jets, and when the cost is split evenly between passengers, the final amount is often significantly less or equal to what you’d spend on a commercial flight.
If you have many stops on your itinerary, a private jet charter can save you on hotel costs. After all, you get to decide on your departure time and you don’t have to rely on an airline to tell you when you can and cannot travel.
There are many advantages when choosing to fly with a private jet charter service provider and once you have had a taste, it will be hard to fly with a commercial airline again.

Max Stephen writes many private jet charter and private jet rental articles and the webmaster of
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Sunday, August 5, 2007

5 Reasons Why Electric RC Helicopters Are So Appealing

5 Reasons Why Electric RC Helicopters Are So Appealing by Tara Soonthornnont

RC Helicopters capture people’s interest since their very first inception. They stand as one of the most fascinating field of the RC hobby world. Very few can resist its charm. Nevertheless, not too long ago they also carried an extremely heavy price tag and required more maintenance than a ten-years-old car. To make matters worse, flying one required countless hours of practice and tremendous amount of patience. However, all that is about to change. With the introduction of electric RC helicopters, flying these amazing models are not as far-fetched as they used to be. Here are five reasons why:
1. Low Cost:
Flying RC Helicopter used to set people back thousands of dollars. People had to buy the helicopter kit (which comes in hundred small pieces - unassembled), servos, engine, starter, gyro, receiver, radio controller, a hundred other equipments, and of course - fuel. When everything has been purchased, you still have to assemble it!
On the other hand, electric helicopters almost always cost less than 200 dollars with cheaper but better versions coming out regularly. Even better, most of these helicopters come ready to fly right out of the box. In addition to that, every necessary equipments and accessories often come included as well. Finally, by using batteries, the running cost of these helicopters is greatly reduced as it is no longer necessary to buy gallons after gallons of gas.
2. Silent and Clean:
RC Helicopters might be amongst the most fascinating radio controlled models, however, one undeniable fact still stands against it; they make more noise and create more pollution than a breaking down truck. This makes flying around the neighborhood almost impossible.
The problem of noise, pollution and size is almost entirely eliminated with the electric models; the amount of noise greatly decreased while the amount of pollution vanished altogether. These two facts allows these machines to fly anywhere without causing too much annoyance to other people.
3. Reliable and Easy to Fly:
With gas helicopters, countless crashes occur not because of pilot errors, but because the engine fail in midair. Who’s to blame? After all, everybody knows that gas engines aren’t the most reliable thing in the world. They also notoriously require constant tinkering to run smoothly. On the other hand, electric helicopters fly undeniably more reliable. They almost never cut out in mid air, even when the battery runs down. Moreover, you can forget about having to crank up the engine over and over. These electric motors will run anytime anywhere as long as there’s battery. There’s nothing more frustrating than taking your helicopter to the field only to find that it won’t start because it is too cold, too humid, or just because the engine wants to act up.
Electric helicopter are generally easier to fly than gas models, making them ideal for beginners. Some model allows beginner to start out with only 2 or 3 channels to worry about as oppose to 6 or 7 that the gas model requires. Avid pilots won’t have to worry though, as professional fully 3D-capable electric models also exist.
4. Easy to Maintain:
Maintenance used to be one of the biggest hurdles for anyone wanting to start flying RC helicopters. Thankfully, electric RC helicopters tremendously decreased the amount of repairs required. These little wonders were specifically designed to keep the amount of fixing necessary to minimum. Therefore, repairs can usually be made with just the bare hands or with only one screw driver. Even more impressive is the fact that these types of helicopter rarely need repairing at all. They can survive most types of crashes without any problem.
5. Small Size:
Before electric helicopters, indoor flights and flights in your own backyard were next to impossible. Now, they are quick and easy. Newer versions are so small that even flying in the bedroom is possible. The smaller size of these helicopter means that it is easier to transport as well. However, for pilots who prefer big aircrafts, there are electric helicopters as big as.50 size gas models available.
The advantage of flying electric RC helicopter does not end with these five points. With new technologies becoming available, these aircrafts are improving at surprising speed. All in all, it is not hard to see why electric RC helicopter is the fastest growing field of RC hobby.

Interested in the amazing hobby of Electric RC Helicopters?Tara Soonthornnont is an Electric RC Helicopter enthusiastwho maintains a website dedicated to it.Check Out
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Saturday, August 4, 2007

Commercial Pilots License

Commercial Pilots License Test

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Nimitz class aircraft carrier

Nimitz class aircraft carrier operations....Nimitz class aircraft carrier US navy

The Air Force Will Replace The ’CH-46 Knight’ Aircraft

The Air Force Will Replace The ’CH-46 Knight’ Aircraft by Victor Epand

From an expert opinion of flying the ’CH46 Knight’: "I recently read an article about replacing the CH46s. And they are in the middle of testing an alternative aircraft. The Osprey - if it ever goes into service will have a tough time replacing the "46 in the hearts of those who flew her or were rescued by her! I was shocked to see a transport aircraft - the Osprey - with ejection seats for the pilots!"
"I’m stationed on new river with HMM-263 prongs will always rule especially to be flying with 38 + years of service. I get to see them fly 1-2 ospreys every day and night not a bad plane for distance and speed but overall it will be a ok plane but its going to be a long time before you see the last CH-46E retired and placed at the front gate of new river!"
"We have so many upgrades going on with the birds its insane to even think there is a replacement aircraft in the works! It is truly amazing that the 46’s are still in service. I was in HMM 265 1963-64 when they were the first squadron to receive the first two for the Marine Corps. It seems that it is impossible to have been 40 years ago. They were truly state of the art compared to the 34’s. I remember they were grounded some problem with the hydra fluid foaming or something like that."
"To answer about the hydro problems it was because of the utility pump we had at the time, It was very apt to internal failure supping hydro fluid everywhere then hydro fluid would get sucked into the generators on the after trine and a fire would come next, we now have a new hydro pump and it is almost problem free. I just checked in down here at the "Osprey Test and Evaluation Squadron". This thing is great... I came from HMM-264 and I too love the Phrog. The V-22 will be a great V-22 but she will never be a Phrog! What this thing can do is very impressive."
"I can tell you this much, I’ve been and close to the V-22 Osprey as any of you. I have not just appeared from nowhere on this forum, I’ve been around long enough. I have participated in some early load test and downwash testing with the V-22. That was ten years ago and it’s still not operational."
"It’s a money pit ok, face it. I’ve had enough 53E’s, 46’s and even UH-1’s hovering over my head to know plenty about their capabilities. I’ve also had the V-22 hovering over my head and struggling with a 5K load. Again, that was 10 years and it’s still not up to lifting its prescribed payload...internally or externally."
"So why don’t you tell us why the V-22 is such a kick butt aircraft and why it hasn’t gone operation since its inception in 1983. Tell us why the Marine Corps should continue to spend billions more beyond the 14+ billion already spent."
"Tell us how the Marine Corps can justify neglecting other Marine Corps aviation with this chalk board " aircraft of the future" Tell us when the V-22 Osprey will finally hit the fleet and transport Marines into combat. Facts, I have all the facts I need about the V-22. And please don’t get me wrong, I would like the V-22 to succeed, but me also am a realist and after two decades of R&D, its way past time to look at alternatives."
"As supercobraz has stated, we’d all absolutely LOVE to see the Osprey work as designed but after 20 some odd years of R&D coupled with the ageing of our venerable Phrog fleet, we are getting justifiably skeptical & concerned that the MV-22 will never deliver as advertised."
"Your input, as an actual pilot would add immensely to our ongoing convoys regarding the MV-22. Of course, knowing that you are active duty and can’t necessarily "enlighten" us with your 1st hand knowledge is highly understood. BTDT! Any positive info on the MV-22 Osprey is as welcomed here as the negative. Please feel free to share what you can with us."
"I was a Black Knight many moons ago and the Phyrog is still near and dear to my heart after all these years, but I also know that all good things must go, all in due time. We thought that the airfram was old back in the mid and late 70’s, but it must seem ancient now. If there is a better bird for the mission, then I say, by all means, bring it on."

Victor Epand is an expert consultant for carries the best selection of military clothing, war gear, and combat accessories on the market.
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Flight – History Of Aeroplanes And Steps Of Flying

Flight – History Of Aeroplanes And Steps Of Flying by Sharon Albright

The invention of flight by the Wright brothers has brought about a revolution in the world. The concept of speed and distance started changing. The impossible started looking possible. The perfect combination of strength, weight, and carrying capacity has been experimented and finally achieved.
The airplanes were previously called “Kites”! They did not have much power and were supplied with a lot of wing area. The streamlined aircrafts came up just before the World War I. they has cleaner aerodynamic shapes and had increased horsepower. During the First World War, the traditional wooden frames were replaced by welded steel tubing. Duraluminum was used to prepare all the assembly-wings, fuselage and tail of the flight.
Slowly metal was used to replace the use of wood in preparing the body of the flight. The revolutionary Boeing 247 combined the streamlined all-metal semi-monocoque construction, retractable landing and variable pitch propellers. Whenever there is a war, the nation tries to utilize the best technology. During World War 2, the jet fighter was developed. An all-composite design was appreciated during 1980s. The flight design by Brut Rutan made history by flying non-stop around the world without refueling.
The Voyager’s composite airframe was lightweight and circled the earth in nine days. Not only for transporting people from place to place, certain space shuttle is prepared for space flight. The various mechanical flights include aircraft, aeroplanes, helicopters, airships, balloons and spacecraft. Flying an aeroplane is no easy task. It involves various methods like taxiing; take off, climb, cruise, descent, flight planning, and landing. Some of the early flight pioneers were Abbas Ibn Firnas, Amelia Earhart, Alberto Santos Dumont, Armen Firman, Charles Lindbergh, Richard Pearse and ultimately the Wright Brothers.
A taxiway is used for flights to move from one place to another with the help of wheels, within the airport. The process when the flight, after gathering speed from the runway, leaves the ground and flies into the air is called takeoff. For light flights, usually full power is used. Climb involves getting the flight into the desired cruising altitude. Cruise involved changing the direction of the flight. The landing of the flight by decreasing its altitude is known as descent of a flight. Flight planning is an essential part in both private and commercial flights. Landing the flight to ground level is the ultimate part of safely handling a flight.

Sharon Albright is the owner of Flight Site. Read more articles on Flight and visit her recommended resources.
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Buying Used Aircraft Can Open New Doors For Pilots

Buying Used Aircraft Can Open New Doors For Pilots by Ben Franklin

Making the decision to buy a used aircraft is a big one. Not only is the investment large, the simple fact of the matter is an aircraft carries some pretty important passengers, so safety is paramount as well, which is why some steer clear of checking out used aircraft for sale.
Just like buying a car though, used can most certainly net a solid piece of machinery if some common sense is used in the purchase. And for those who have their sights set on some big reasons for wanting a personal craft, used machines can open the doors for a purchase that might not otherwise be possible.
While many pilots buy craft to start businesses or for personal use, there are others who have a more altruistic mission in mind when they begin looking for a used craft. Buying a solid craft, new or used, can not only jumpstart a small business or add to personal pleasure, it can help a pilot become a hero of sorts, too.
Imagine being the parent of a small child that needs a life-saving heart transplant, and getting that call that help has arrived. Now, picture yourself discovering that time is of the essence and the distance that must be traveled is too great to do by car alone.
For some parents, this is when a knight in shining armor steps in, offering the child and his or her family a lift to the hospital. Rather than chain mail and a horse, this hero pilots a plane.
This scenario takes place all over the United States all the time thanks to Angel Flight America. This nonprofit group consists of a network of pilots and personal craft owners. They step in when time is of the essence to do their part to save the day. For many who own personal crafts, whether new or used, this is their way of giving back, helping others when the need is great.
The organization offers flights for no charge to patients and their families who need to get to hospitals for medical treatments, it steps in during natural disasters to deliver much-needed supplies and even offers to help whenever there is a demonstrated need. By matching aircraft owners and pilots with people in need, the nonprofit enables those who can to give back to those who so desperately need the assistance.
Pilots who use their personal planes to assist Angel Flight's missions all over the U.S. have the ability to step in and make a real difference when it counts the most. Whether it's touching a single life or the lives of many, those with personal craft – new or used – have the power to help make sure Angel Flights are never grounded.
Buying a used aircraft can be a solid proposition if careful inspections take place before purchase. There's no need to ground dreams of flying – or finding a new, volunteer hobby - if common sense goes into a used purchase.

#1 ResourceUsed aircraft sales.
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Things You Should Know if You Are Interested in Pilot Training

Things You Should Know if You Are Interested in Pilot Training by James Hunt

If you are interested in pilot training, there are a few things that you should know. Most people are not aware of where or how they can train to be a pilot. In most parts of Canada and the United States there are special schools that specialize in pilot training. If you not sure where you can do this you can find information on the internet and if all else fails then you can contact your local airport and ask if they have any information about pilot training. If they do not then maybe they can suggest somewhere that you can find what you are looking for.
Pilot training schools are considered private schools in most areas of Canada and the United States, therefore these schools will be more expensive then most universities or colleges. These schools are normally in out of the ways places so it might be necessary for you to move home and live on campus, this can be an added expensive.
In pilot training, every future pilot must have a certain amount of flying time before they can get their pilots license. Some of this flying time is obtained through classes and lessons. However this simply does not cover everything you need to do. There are times when you will need to fly outside of class time. Some people make the mistake of thinking that planes will be supplied to them while taking some form of pilot training. This is not the case, however. In most cases students will have to rent their own planes so they can begin getting in their needed flying time. This can be extremely expensive. This is something that you need to consider when you are thinking about becoming part of some form of pilot training. Are you prepared to spend this much money on your pilot training?

James Hunt has spent 15 years as a professional writer and researcher covering stories that cover a whole spectrum of interest.Read more at
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